I don’t know anyone else like me, and rather than seeing that as a bad thing for most of my life, I’ve finally embraced it.
I don’t think you’re “supposed” to be a burlesque dancer at my age, and I love challenging what society thinks of older women.
Mental health and age positivity are also causes that I’m equally passionate about.
2020 and beyond has shown who many people really are, and when they show you who they really are, believe them!
I write every day but it never gets out there—most of my thoughts and mini revelations have been kept to myself over the years.
However, I feel like now is the time to finally take the leap and start sharing what I have. It would be selfish and a shame to keep it all to myself, right? Maybe you need it too. Or maybe you don’t.
Sharing is spreading valuable and empowering info that otherwise would be kept locked in a tomb. We know how that worked out for the Egyptians….
At this point (and with my advancing age) and all, why be reserved about my thoughts and opinions and style and sexy pics?
I’m going to share what I believe is meaningful in hopes that it reaches somebody out there and makes a real difference.
This goes for relationships as well as items that adorn you and your personal space.
The world belongs to those of us who work to become our best selves, crafting our lives just the way we’ve always imagined. We’re in this together!